From the anime "Kaiju No. 8," which is set to start airing in April 2024, "Kikoru Shinomiya" is brought to life with an action-packed design that highlights her extensive arsenal and slender form!
Here are some key features of this model:
Four different facial expression options are included: one pre-printed through tampography and three water-transfer decal options, allowing for various expressions, including one with a mask.
Along with a standard handgun, there's a massive axe-type weapon included, featuring unique marking designs based on the weapon's type.
Utilizing articulation across the entire body, you can achieve dynamic and flexible action poses without compromising the figure's body lines.
Removing the back parts reveals joint holes for use with an action base.
Various hand parts are included, including ones for holding weapons and expressive open palms.
[Included Accessories]
- Face Parts (Tampography) x1 type
- Face Parts (Water-Transfer Decal) x3 types
- Hand Parts x1 set
- Standard Gun x1
- Handgun x1
- Axe x1
- Stickers x1 set