The Gundam Harute from Mobile Suit Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer comes to life as a detailed HG model kit, faithfully recreating its unique design and transformation capabilities!
Key Features:
Flight Mode Transformation: Accurately reproduce Harute’s signature transformation into flight mode.
Rifle Gimmick: Includes detachable rifles with functional transformation features for dynamic poses in both modes.
Articulated Binders: The backpack binders can move independently and articulate from their bases for versatile posing in MS mode.
Detachable Backpack: Backpack units can be removed and feature full articulation for added display options.
Parts: 9 molded runners
Extras: Foil sticker sheet ×1, Assembly manual ×1
Accessories: GN Rifles and articulated backpack binders
Build the versatile and powerful Gundam Harute and recreate its intense battle scenes from the Gundam 00 movie! Perfect for fans of transformation-capable mobile suits.